We follow a step by step approach that has proven to be very effective and cost efficient. We are always prepared to generate a budgetary quote for a full project, but we will insist on executing our projects by phases. This way our customers can have a much better control, cost savings and minimize risks. Our quotations always include a project schedule and specific deliverables for each phase.
Our standard project steps or phases are explained below. Each project, however may be slightly different and may not require some of them.
A detailed specification will always be required from our customers. This will ensure that requirements are clear and will enable a proper validation process throughout the project. We will be able to produce a budgetary quotation for the full project and a preliminary project plan for its execution. We will also produce a closed price quotation for our first design stage, the pre-engineering, with specified deliverables and delivery dates.
The aim of this first stage is to help our customers assess the feasibility of the project and to confirm assumptions. Our systematic method includes the following steps: Patent research (If applicable), detailed project schedule, preliminary cost estimate and calculation of return of investment (ROI)
At the end of the pre-engineering step the overall picture of the project is clear. Our customer will know key project information like project risks, global cost, execution time or how investment costs will be paid back. We will confirm if the project is feasible before costs start to rise. Customers can always stop the project if the project is proven to be not feasible. If the project moves forward we will quote for the next step.
This is creative stage. We will collect the initial ideas from our customer, generate our own proposals and draft them for evaluation. The aim at this stage is to obtain fundamental concepts to choose from. The deliverables of this stage can take the form of layout drawings, 3D models, sketches, diagrams or any other suitable representation.
One of this concept ideas will be then selected to move it forward into the design stage with risks minimized. We can now be confident to quote for the next step.
This stage is aimed to develop the chosen alternative up to a point where all major elements are defined and can be seen in a 3D model. When applicable detailed process instrumentation diagrams, process flow diagrams or control system architecture drawings will be produced. All major design calculations are performed at this stage to enable sizing of the relevant components. Sometimes basic prototypes can be produced too.
If aesthetics are important we may involve an industrial designer to guide us towards an attractive product design or to ensure consistency within a product family.
After approval of the preliminary design the project can move to detailed engineering. We will produce a quotation for the generation of all detailed engineering documentation required to release manufacturing. This may include detailed manufacturing drawings and bills of materials.
Prototyping is often used to confirm that the final design is fully satisfactory. Virtual prototypes generated by computer simulation can be produced while optimization loops are executed. Our expert team will produce state of the art computer simulations by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Physical prototypes will be produced as soon as there is confidence over the final design and laboratory testing in real operating conditions will confirm the correctness of our design. Twenty years of experience support our prototyping capabilities.
Our production facilities can also provide a further step of the development by building pre-series. Such pre-series will then be tested in real conditions by the final customers and will ensure your success while risks are minimized.